
What are Microtalks?

Microtalks celebrates the astonishing lives of our neighbours and fellow humans. Running 5/6 times a year these events regularly attract an audience of 70+  to the Barony (our current venue)

The format pays homage to ‘pecha kucha’ a Japanese model of presentations where each speaker talks for 20 seconds to 20 slides.  The slides change automatically so part of the fun is seeing if the presenters can keep up with the slides! Talks last just over 6 minutes and we aim to have 6 speakers each session.  All volunteer speakers are VERY welcome and topics are not curated – we have anything from pottery to Nuclear safety via tall ships, volunteering and designing money. You don’t need to be a superstar, you just need 20 pictures and a passion for your topic!

If you would like to speak or know someone who should tell us a story please get in touch.

We are particularly keen to showcase the younger members of our community so welcome folks as young as 8 (great talk on the Spanish Armada  by David Petillo!)

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/embed?listType=playlist&list=UUo3a7cisxmQeARHgrlF-IqQ&layout=gallery[/embedyt]